February 27, 2025

25th year of Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2024

25thyear of Bharat Rang Mahotsav 2024


  • Padmashri Paresh Rawal, Chairperson, NSD will join in the press meet
  • Renowned  actor  and  NSD  Alumnus  Pankaj  Tripathi  is  the  ‘RanDoot’  or

BrandAmbassadorof this year’s Festival.

  • National Award-winning lyricist, singer, and  NSD  alumnus  Swanand  Kirkire has lent his poetic prowess by crafting the lyrics for the ‘Rang  Gaanor FestivalAnthem.
  • This    year’s    festival    is    themed    on    ‘Vasudhaiva   Kutumbakam,   Vande Bharangam’:  a  celebration  and  salute  to  the  unity  of  artists  and  theatrefolk world-over, working towards social harmony.
  • NSD is introducing ‘RangHaator global theatre market.

New Delhi, January 27, 2024: The National School of Drama (NSD)  is announcing the forthcoming 25thyear of the Bharat Rang Mahotsav (Bharangam/BRM), the world’s largest theatre festival. The event is scheduled to take  place  from February 1st to February 21st, 2024. Spanning across 15 cities in the country,  this  21-day theatre festival will feature over 150 performances, and numerous workshops, discussions, and masterclasses, providing  a  rich  tapestry  of  Indian  and  global theatre traditions. Additionally, this year will commemorate the 25th  anniversary of the inception of Bharat Rang Mahotsav.

The curtain raiser conference will be addressed by NSD Director Sh. ChittaranjanTripathy, NSD Society Chairman Sh.Paresh Rawal, BRM Ambassador Sh.PankajTripathi, Member NSD Society Vani Tripathi and other prominent members of NSD at the Delhi campus.

This year’s festival revolves around the theme Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, VandeBharangam, fostering global unity among thespians and artists.  Emphasizing social harmony, it seeks to create a sense of a shared world – the entire world one large family, bringing diverse cultures together through the powerful medium of the performing arts for a truly enriching experience.

The 25th year of BRM will kick off with a splendid inaugural ceremony at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Mumbai on February 1st, 2024. HisExcellencyRameshBais,GovernorofMaharashtraaccompanied by NSDChairperson Paresh Rawal, will officially open the festival with a special ceremony. Attendees are in for an unforgettable start to this remarkable theatrical journey, experiencing a celebration of artistic expression with the grand opening play HumareRam, featuring renowned actor and NSD alumnus AshutoshRana.

NSDDirectorChittaranjanTripathyexpressedprofoundenthusiasmfortheimpendingfestival,stating, “Asweembarkonthe25thyearoftheBharatRangMahotsav, it is truly a momentous occasion that reflects our enduring commitment toartisticexcellenceandcultural diversity.  Over the past quarter-century, this festivalhasservedasaguidinglight,illuminatingtherichtapestryofglobaltheatre

traditions.Theupcomingeditionpromisestobe  a grand celebration,  showcasing  notonly the extraordinary creativity within the theatrical realm but also emphasizing thebeautyof  collaboration. We are dedicated  to fostering  the  magic  of  theatre, providingaplatform fordiversevoicesandnarratives  to  thrive.  This  year’s festivities  will  notonlymarkamilestonebutalsoreaffirmour  steadfast  belief  in  the  transformativepoweroftheperformingarts.”

The 25th year of this festival holds special significance as it brings together diverse theatrical voices in a celebration of the magic of theatre. Audiences can expect a captivating array of theatrical forms, including international productions, folkandtraditionalplays,moderndramas,graduateshowcases,andcollegiatestreetplays. The festival will unfold in parallel venues across Mumbai,  Pune,Bhuj, Vijayawada, Jodhpur, Dibrugarh, Bhubaneswar, Patna, Ramnagar, andSrinagar, ensuring a nationwide celebration of the transformative power of theatre.

In an innovative move, this year  NSD  also  introduces  Rang Haat,  an  annual initiative aimed at establishing Asia’s  inaugural  global theatre market and nurturing internationalcollaborationsinthetheatricaldomain. Rang Haat will unite theatre artists, programmers, patrons, and supporters, fostering   the discovery of hidden talent, showcasing international projects, and facilitating both creative and financial partnerships. Participants will gain exposure to a broader audience, fostering  potential collaborative  ventures  and  injecting  dynamism  into the global theatre landscape.

The BRM extends beyond the stage, offering a plethora of enriching experiences. Parallelexhibitions,  director-audience  dialogues,  discussions,  and  seminarswill explore various facets of  theatre,  sparking  stimulating  conversations  and insights. Attendees can engage in masterclasses with veteran thespians, immerse themselves in the vibrant Rang Haat, and explore the diverse offerings at the FoodBazaar,letting the spirit of theatre truly captivate them.

For more information, please visit the official NSD/BRM websites: https://nsd.gov.in/, www.brm.nsd.gov.in

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Dr E Gajalakshmi, Librarian & PRO (i/c), +918697210553

Dr Prakash Jha, Publication (i/c) & Asst.PRO (i/c), +919811774106